

The Horizon 2020 MSCA RISE project with the title: “Innovative bio-inspired sensors and microfluidic devices for saliva-based theranostics of oral and systemic diseases”, and acronym SALSETH, facilitates the exchange of knowledge, skills, competencies and capabilities (through secondments) between internationally top-ranking participating organisations from Australia, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Serbia, Spain, and Ukraine. The project will bring together the expertise required to achieve state-of-the-art advances in natural and bio-inspired biocompatible materials, as well as edible food-based sensors to detect important biomarkers from saliva. It will also develop an external smart electronic device to wirelessly read data from sensors and microfluidic devices for the optimal drugs or essential oils administration.

Sorumlu Başarı Bahis: Kırılgan Bireyleri Korumak


Sorumlu Başarı Bahis: Kırılgan Bireyleri KorumakBazı insanlar için bahis oynamak eğlenceli bir etkinlikken, diğerleri için bu durum ciddi problemlere yol açabilir. "Sorumlu Başarı Bahis" kavramı, özellikle kırılgan bireylerin zarar görmesini engellemek amacıyla geliştirilmiş önem arz [...]

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